A+ Review
Test Prep for San Diego
Acctg 326 Fall 2024
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We keep a texting list for each class and teacher.
A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other important exam info.
Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private; at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.
A+ Review is a PRIVATE tutoring center and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the California State University (CSU) system or San Diego State University (SDSU). We work exclusively for our clientele, (San Diego State University students), to help them score as high as possible on their SDSU midterms and final exams. We are able to prepare our students our way, the right way and anyway we choose! It's why over 100,000 SDSU students have attended our live and in-person reviews! Our exam-crams GET RESULTS!
Acctg 326: Exam-cram workshops by request only... We sometimes offer excellent exam-cram workshops for Acctg 326 exams. Let us know how it's going! We are spending most of our time building out CourseStar! By the way, we have over 500 Intermediate Accounting homework problems on CourseStar dot com! Check it out!