A+ Review
Private exam tutoring for SDSU® students!
"A+ Review is an investment in yourself. Not only did I learn a great deal of material at A+ Review but I consistently scored higher on my exams."
N. Carson
'...dumbs down the material and spoon feeds it...'
San Diego Union

"I recommend students take advantage of A+ Review. Your GPA is something you take with you for future schools and jobs. My GPA is definitely higher from taking A+ Review"
J. Page, SDSU Alum.
'...a Super Tutor who should be applauded...'
San Diego News at Five

"Just wanted to let you know your Finance 323 review worked so well. No matter how hard I try to pay attention in class and take notes, I felt I wasn't properly learning the material. Even the book, after reading it, I would forget much of what I just learned. But when I came to your review, everything was clear cut and easy to comprehend. I felt the 6 hours spent in Aplus Review was much better than a whole month spent in class not getting the material. When I finally read through the book, I finally understood what was going on. It's amazing that before the review the book made no sense to me, but after coming to the review, I can finally could look at the book and understand what's going on. I got a 196/200 on the test, a record in my college career.
I would recommend all business major SDSU students to go to Aplus Review. Especially for those having trouble understanding the book or class lectures. Or even who haven't had time to do anything at all. I thought Finance was going to be a hard class, but Aplus Review made it possible for me to ace the test. Aplus Review saves me time and stress so I have more time to take care of other classes or just have a life!"
Justin 2024
"Thank you for the great review for the first Fin323 test. I got a 198/200."
"Thanks to your review, I got a 91% on my last MIS301 exam."
"Thanks to A+ Review I feel great about my grades in MIS301, BA360, and Fin323. If it wasn't for Mike I don't know how my grade would have looked compared to all of my A's. Thanks again."
Hector S. S24
"Just wanted to let you know that I absolutely crushed the Pawar exam yesterday. The review was spot on."
t.g. Fall 22
On my first MIS301 exam I couldn't make the review and I got a 57%. I went for exam #2 and got an 87%. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks."
Shannon F23
"Just wanted to let you know your review was awesome. I went to class maybe 1 or 2 times and got an A in the class overall. The final was a piece of cake and I got a 104% all because of your review. Again thank you for the hard work and helping me get that A+."
Chad D.
"Just wanted to let you know we got our Math 120 tests back and the class average was a 68.88% =( BUT I received a 93! Yay, thank you so much...and two others that attended A+ with me received A's (91 and 90) as well. The highest grade was a 95...so we did AWESOME! We received three out of the five A's that our class got!"
Thank you again,
I am a A student but I was struggling throughout the year in Accouting 202. My test scores bottomed out with me getting a 75 and 69 percent on exam 3 and 4. I went to Mike's A+ Review sessions for the 5th and 6th exam and got 100% and 92% on the last two tests. I would not have been able to pull off a B in accounting without the help of Mike. Thanks for saving my accounting grade!
Tyler S, Spring 22
"When I got into a top law school after SDSU, I sent A+ Review a thank you card. They helped me earn top grades in many difficult classes. I strongly recommend people take advantage of A+ Review while in school to open doors in their future."
Russell Bolin, L.A. Senior Trial Attorney
"I just wanted to say that your Math120 Review was great. On the first exam I got a 70% and on the second exam I got a 52%(!!!) I did not go to your reviews. I knew I had to do something to pull out of my calculus nose-dive. I have 3 daughters, a wife, and a 55+ hour work week so I turned to you guys for the third exam. I received an 87%. Thanks again"
I am sending you guys an email about my Finance 323 class. I just got back my results from Exam 2 and I got an "A". You did what you said you were going to do. You dumbed down every type of problem and concept that the prof said to know for the exam. I totally knew the material on the way into the exam but I was still nervous. It wasn't until today when I got my results back that I could relax! I just wanted to let you know and I will see you for the next exam.
Mark, Accounting Junior
Your instructor is awesome. When he was going through the material, I know I had seen it before in class but at the review it suddenly all made sense to me. I am a big fan and I hope you keep doing these review until I graduate (3 more years).
Katie, business major
MIS: On my first MIS exam, I did not go to A+ Review but I studied around 12 hours and ended up with an unsatisfactory score. Then I went to A+ Review for the second exam and wound up with a 93%.
Aaron, 2022
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