A+ Review
Private exam tutoring for SDSU® students!
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Finance Courses Spring 2025
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Join our Private Text Lists:
We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc. Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.
A+ Review Greatly Benefits the SDSU Community.

We Benefit Society by Increasing Graduation Rates and We Save SDSU and the State of California Money.
1. With nearly 30% of SDSU freshmen not staying on to graduate SDSU after 4-years, A+ Review fights to help keep more of these students in school and graduating on time. That saves the State a ton of money. We get these students out of their dormrooms and apartments and into our 5-hour super review where we get them ready for their exams. We are clearly working towards improving graduation rates among freshmen.
2. Some transfer students have historically struggled with the jump from their local community college to the big university. A+ Review is there as an option for these students to help with poor or forgotten math skills and to help prep for exams. Many students have full or part-time jobs. A+ Review helps save these students time and helps them learn the material quickly. Together, we typically work through as many as 100 problems and we review many important concepts. Our students LEARN the exam material very well. We work to increase the graduation rate of transfer students, greatly benefiting SDSU and the State of California.
3. We cost the SDSU University and the taxpayers nothing. We are entirely self-funded. And by NOT being affiliated with San Diego State University, we can teach people OUR way, the RIGHT way!
4. Our tutoring rates are extremely low when compared to local tutors who charge $25 an hour, $40 an hour, sometimes $50 an hour, and we have seen $100 an hour. Our prorated hourly fee is around $12 an hour and includes materials, food, drinks, etc. We offer a great value to the SDSU student community.
Please support our efforts to help students score high and excel at SDSU. Thank you!