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     Fin 329 Fall 2024     

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Join our Private Text Lists:
We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc. Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.


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Walter LOVES International Finance and he will show you various tricks, tips, short-cuts, etc. We will cover all the various concepts and calculations that you need to know for this exam. Get into this review where we will dumb down the exam material to the dumbest possible degree and spoon feed it all to you. Includes all food, drink, materials, and 100% amazing live instruction.



Fin 329 Garcia



Exam-Cram Workshop:

Thurs June 27th, 6pm-10:30pm, $99

... should be close to perfect scores for our small group. Covering ALL the favorites! Just show up at 6pm. No reservation needed. If you MUST score high on this exam, get in here at 6pm. That's it! DONE! 

NOTE: use our HW software to solve your entire HW in ten minutes. We built it here in-house.

Just search your homework problem in our search bar and solve it with our powerful software. Call our office with any questions in the afternoons. (619) 589-9900

Garcia Fall Ex1, check back

Send us your cell # above for our class texting list... then we can reach out to you when the exam gets closer. 

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Join us for this outstanding exam-cram workshops! We get results! Hope you can join us. Don't tell Garcia about A+... he's NOT a fan.

We literally LOVE this class and our exam-cram reviews are VERY good... do not miss. You will learn everything very very well and score super high on this exam.


GARCIA HOMEWORK: Check out our Homework Helper Site we built from scratch right down the street from SDSU!... 10X better than Chegg! Being used all over the country now! Check it out... (Just log in with Google and try it!)


Don't forget to jump on our CourseStar site to solve all your homework in under 10 minutes. Call with questions in afternoon.

Join our texting list for this class by sending your info in the above text boxes (goes directly to our email).

MORE: We will dumb down all the concepts and calculations that you need to know for the exam so that you can score VERY high. You will LOVE this exam-cram review. Hope to see you there. The ONLY thing that matters is our students scoring extremely high on the exams. Reserve OR just show up at the door. Join our text list at the top of this page.  SEND US YOUR INFO AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE!!


Fin 329 Kim

Exam 1

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Send us your cell # above for our class texting list... then we can reach out to you when the exam gets closer. 


Join us for this outstanding exam-cram workshop! We get results! Hope you can join us.


Kim Homework: Check out our Homework Helper Site we built from scratch right down the street from SDSU!... 10X better than Chegg! Being used all over the country now! Check it out... (Just log in with Google and try it!)


Fin 329 Massamiri

Exam 1

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Send us your cell # above for our class texting list... then we can reach out to you when the exam gets closer. 

Expect an excellent exam-cram workshop. Hope to see you there.


Make Your Life Easier and SCORE HIGHER!

A+ Review, 6784 El Cajon Blvd. 

San Diego, CA 92115


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