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Econ 102 Fall 2024 


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Join our Private Text Lists:
We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc.

Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists. NOTE: We are independent of San Diego State University... that way we can do what we want, prep our students the way we choose. We don't answer to SDSU.


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Econ 102 CT Hilmer

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VIP appointments ONLY (call), no actual review

​(619) 589-9900

Econ 102 Gordon

Exam1 exam-cram workshop:

Check back for date and time

A day or two before your exam... we put together an exam-cram workshop covering all the exam material. No Powerpoint! We provide all our materials at the workshop. GREAT exam-cram workshop covering exam Qs etc. Join us. Come over here for this workshop. Walk, run, ride a bike or Uber over. Hope to see you there.  Hope to see you there. Join us. NO Powerpoint bulshite... just exam-cram Q's for the exam! Your parents can prepay on this site OR just pay at the door. Over 100,000 SDSU students served! Our exam-cram workshops get results!

OTHER ECON102 Profs... we are just so busy this semester that we can only cover Gordon, and C.T. Hilmer exams! Good luck.

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