A+ Review
Private exam tutoring for SDSU® students!
Stat 119 Spring 2025
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Join our Private Text Lists:
We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc. Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.
Legal Notice: SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY® and SDSU® are registered trademarks of San Diego State University or its affiliates, and are referenced on this website for identification purposes only. San Diego State University and its affiliates have no affiliation or association with A+ Review and do not sponsor or endorse A+ Review’s independent tutoring services.
Over 1,000 SDSU students take Statistics 119. Around 40% of students will receive C's, D's, and F's. That is the fact. Don't settle for that nonsense. Get into our famous A+ Reviews and get an A in this class!
Our lead instructor Mike, dumbs down this material to the dumbest possible degree and spoon feeds you. Our students shred this class. Bring your TI83 or 84 and we will show you everything you need to know.
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Photo of campus. Photo of happy students at our workshop!
NO POWERPOINT!! We go through our custom exam-cram materials with you and cover everything that will be on exam! We have incredible exam-crams this semester that get our group perfect scores on every exam. AND a million-dollar homework helper (that WE built!) blows-away Chegg, Quizlet. Super-fast perfect scores on the homework AND the quizzes in 29min or less.
www.CourseStar.com. TRY IT! Solve your Stats HW in 10 minutes or less. Yup. Read that sentence again!
Get on-board with us this semester! Perfect scores on the homework, quizzes, and exams. Over 100,000 SDSU students served over 25 years. We are the #1 college based tutoring center in California... and we are exclusively here at SDSU for you.
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Stats 119: Velado/R. Scott/L. Scott
EX1 EXAM-CRAM workshop:
Sun. Feb. 23th, 12pm-4:45pm, $78
Send us your cell number in the above boxes so we can add you to our texting list for this class (if you want).
No reservation needed... just show up by 12... then sit back and we will take care of everything. This VIP group workshop is exactly what you are looking for... NO POWERPOINT! We go through the specific exam material and dumb it all down and spoon feed it to you, question by question. (We will have the practice exam solved for you as well if you need it.) Over 100,000 SDSU students served! (FACT) We are a half-mile from campus... Just past Ralphs and directly across from Bank of America! 6784 EL Cajon Blvd. Last door on front of building, east side. Walk, run, bike, or Uber over here for the exam-cram! NO POWERPOINT! We exclusively go through our custom exam-cram exam materials and get our group ready for the exam! No Powerpoint! ALL exam problems and concepts covered! Everything! You will understand everything. If you need a high score, get over here. Will be a fun group. Rich kids from Orange County and lots of other regular kids too. Meanwhile check out our HW solver system on www.CourseStar.com , just log-in with Google, search and solve! We built it! Solves Stats119 homework in "minutes"... also solves quiz questions! Last semester, our group scored VERY high on the exams! (FACT... we called them! They will all be coming back! Hope you can join us this semester!)
Check out our Homework Helper Site we built from scratch right down the street from SDSU!... 10X faster than Chegg! Being used all over the country now! Check it out... www.CourseStar.com (Just log in with Google and try it!) Search your question, then solve!
MORE: Join our VIP group and get an easy "A" in this class!
Our exam-cram sessions help you get a perfect score on each exam. We make sure of it. Send us your info to get on our list and we hope to see you soon. Getting an "A" in Stats119 looks very good on your transcript. Hope to see you soon. Our students NAIL this class.
LOCATED at our tutoring facility (6784 El Cajon Blvd. East on Montezuma Rd. Just past Ralphs and across from Bank of America)
We are experts on the exams! (and online HWs, and online quizzes!)
We will cover ALL this exam material PERFECTLY to make sure you get a VERY high score on the exam. Period. Do NOT miss this workshop. It's literally perfect! New to SDSU? We have helped over 100,000 SDSU students! Ask around about us! (ask upper division students!).
Make a reservation in the above boxes OR just "show up at the door" but reservations help us figure out how many students to expect.
ALL STATS119 Homework and quizzes: Check out our Homework Helper Site we built from scratch right down the street from SDSU!... 10X better than Chegg! Being used all over the country now! Check it out... www.CourseStar.com (Just log in with Google and try it!). We put the Stats119 HW and quizzes on there.
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