A+ Review
Private exam tutoring for SDSU® students!
MIS 301 Spring 2025
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We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc. Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.
Legal Notice: SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY® and SDSU® are registered trademarks of San Diego State University or its affiliates, and are referenced on this website for identification purposes only. San Diego State University and its affiliates have no affiliation or association with A+ Review and do not sponsor or endorse A+ Review’s independent tutoring services.
"Thank you for your review in MIS 301. I do not know what I would have done without your review as I knew very little walking in. Great news, I got almost the highest grade in the class. Thank you. I will for sure be back for exam 2"
-Actual Student

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MIS 301 O'Byrne
EXAM #1 exam-cram:
Tu/Th section:
Wed Feb 12th, 5pm-9:30pm, $78
Send us your cell number in the above boxes so we can add you to our texting list for this class (if you want).
Our exam-crams are literally perfect for this class! AND we help with the Discussion Boards! Hope to see you there! No reservation needed. Just pay at the door... 6784 El Cajon Blvd. Very last door on front of building.
BRING a TI83/84 for exam 2, 3, 4! Borrow one, many kids have them. (we have a few here in a box to lend out for workshop only). we will still be setting everything up like OBRYNE wants it!!. our students get the highest grades in the class. FACT!!
No PowerPoint, no nonsense... just exam-cram exam questions, one after the other, after the other. We get excellent results! Hope you can join us. Many student do poorly in this class... don't put up with that nonsense. Score high on the exams and the discussion boards. Get into this workshop!
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HEY! GPA's matter! Get into this exam-cram workshop! We get our students "A's" on these exams! We have covered Obryne exams for around 20 years. Don't take chances... get into this workshop! Bring a TI83/84 if you have one... (TI83/84 NOT needed for Exam1 but needed for Ex2, 3, 4) If you MUST get an "A" on this exam, don't mess around... get into this workshop. Reservation requested (at top of this page) but NOT required... just show up and pay at the door! Then sit back for the best exam-cram prep on the planet. FACT: our students constantly take the top scores in the class... of course they do! We cover everything perfectly!
Over 100,000 SDSU students served! We are experts at exam-cram!
SEND US YOUR CELL AT TOP OF THIS PAGE... GET INTO THIS REVIEW!! GPA's matter! Hope to see you there. Do NOT miss this workshop! It is everything you need.
Bring a TI83/84 to workshop... We have a bunch here in a box you could borrow if needed. (Not needed for Ex1)
We also help our VIP group with the Discussion Board Problems you have to turn in (as a courtesy to our VIP customers).
Join our texting list for this class by sending your info in the above text boxes (goes directly to our email).
BRING A TI83 or TI84 for ALL our workshops! (Not needed for EX1) We have 10 of them left for $49. AND we buy them all back for $49. Or we will just lend you one for the review only.​​
MIS 301 Reinig
Exam1 Exam-Cram workshop
Thurs, Feb 20th, 5:30pm to 11pm, $99
Send us your cell number in the above boxes so we can add you to our texting list for this class. Half mile from campus at 6784 El Cajon Blvd. Just pay at the door. That's it.
Hope you can make it. This workshop covers the exam "perfectly"! Incredible workshop if you MUST score high on this last exam. We absolutely will NAIL it. We will set up everything the way he wants it. NO POWERPOINT! We only cover the exam-cram material, question after question. Hope to see you there for a fun and fascinating evening covering all the exam material. Bring a TI83/84... helps a lot for some questions.
MIS 301 K. Shaul
Quiz1 Exam-Cram
check back...
(email us the syllabus to AplusSDSU@gmail.com). Send us your cell number in the above boxes so we can add you to our texting list for this class. Then we can text you once we schedule our workshop! Hope to see you there.
Send us your cell # above for our class texting list... We talked to our VIP students last semester and they said our workshop really helped them score significantly higher than had they not gone to our review. MORE: Our VIP group nails these (in our opinion) VERY unethical and flawed quiz exams. We cover all the quiz material at our workshop. No Powerpoint! Just the quiz exam material perfectly covered. ALSO... attendees will be put on our VIP list for our complimentary White Paper guide on future assignments... So our VIP students are crushing the controversial quiz exams AND the assignments! End up with the highest grades in the class. Join us before its too late. Hope to see you there. Many students have to repeat this class (fact). Do not mess around! Get into this workshop!
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Perfect Scores is the whole entire point. Period. Nothing else will do. Our secret: our students learn everything to a very high level and score high on the quizzes AND assignments.
General Information: This review will be PERFECT... Hope you can make it! WARNING, he seems to have hundreds of exam questions in his bucket... your exam will be very different to "your friend's" exam (EXTREMLY unethical in our opinion, violates educational integrity in our opinion)... do not take chances... get into our workshop where we will cover it ALL. Literally jaw dropping what's going on, really bad in our opinion. Fight back against this nonsense because in the end... our VIP group takes the highest grades, again, and again, and again. The rich get richer. Just the way it is. Join us.
MORE: Over 100,000 SDSU students have been served! Join us for our Shaul quiz super-review where we will dumb down all of the quiz material to the dumbest possible degree and spoon feed it all to you. Mike has performed over 100 exam-crams for Shaul exams/quizzes. Mike is a world-wide expert in getting students totally ready for the Shaul exams. Mike has already started going through all the notes, listening to the videos, and reviewing other important info in order to make this review as perfect as possible. DO NOT miss this review! At the end of the semester, around 40% of the Shaul students will end up with C's, D's, and F's. MANY students have to repeat this class. Its true. Do not settle for this nonsense! Get into this review and score high on this exam. Join our text list at the top of this page (phone #, name, class).